Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frank Mizera Fish Decoy Show and Tell

It's Saturday morning, I've just finished making and enjoying Huevos Rancheros with homemade black beans and rice and I'm sipping the coffee, thinking of how nice it is to be able to relax for a day.  Years ago I got to see part of a friend's collection and we took some pictures with the intent of sharing, having fun and ultimately, finding some more stuff.  These pictures are from that day and they are of Frank Mizera Cheater Decoys (trout jigs/airplane jigs) and some cool colors of Mizera Decoys.  The little boxes are from Dupont Blasting Caps that they used here in the Mines around the Iron Range.  Frank would put his airplane lures in these empty blasting cap boxes.  Sometimes if you're lucky, you'll see one sitting up near the rafters of a garage and inside, you'll find a never fished little trout jig.  (Never happened to me, but I've heard stories)  I have found a few empties.

The silver fish that look like larger decoys were meant to fish for lake trout and they usually as a result of this design, have straight tails instead of curves (they didn't need to swim in a circle).  If you come across anything that looks like these, especially the black, yellow orange or other colors of the little cheater decoys, with smiley faces or without, I'm buying, just go to my website and shoot me an email or leave me a comment below.

Thanks and enjoy the pictures.

Mizera Cheater Decoys (Airplane Jigs/Trout Jigs)  Click for Bigger Pic

These silver fish with hooks have straight tails.  Don't swim in circles.

All of these dart through the water in big arcs.  The little ones will "flutter"

Some very nice examples of the various folk art paint jobs that Mizera did.  The fish with the rounded fins is very early.  The red is hardly ever seen.  The aqua with the fish is top shelf.  This is quite a school of fish decoys:

ooohhh, ahhhhh, pretty

Gotta get some more!

Nice little fork tails, click for larger pictures.  Got some?  I'm buying!

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